Sunday, May 22, 2016

So sorry!

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated, my laptop broke before I could post week 24, and by the time I got a new one months later, I'd already had baby and my pregnancy was over! I decided today to at least update everyone, as when I've seen pregnancy blogs randomly stop, I always wonder if baby was okay or if something had happened :(

Baby is fine and thriving! Rook David Steward, born August 1, 2015. He weighed 7lbs 2oz, and was 20.5in long. I was induced at 38 weeks and 6 days due to seizures and high blood pressure. After 36 hours of labor, Rookie's heartrate started to drop, and I was taken for an emergency c-section. He was born at 5:14 am Saturday morning. He had trouble breathing at first. it was a terrifying minute while we waited for him to cry. Hubby was immediately instructed to take his shirt off and do skin-to-skin, hoping to help regulate his breathing, but it wasn't quite enough. He was taken to the NICU, where he stayed for just under a week. Thanks to having a c-section, I stayed most of the week with him, and the final night they had a parent room, where we got an overnight trial with him before going home.

Today, he is a beautiful 9.5 month old. He's doing so well, he's 17lbs and 27in, he's sitting, rolling, crawling, furniture cruising, and standing on his. Breastfeeding didnt work for me, as I was diagnosed with IGT when he was 5 weeks old and 24/7 pumping just wasn't working. We coslept for the first 8 months, but when he was 8 months old, I went to Las Vegas for a friends wedding, and hubby transitioned him to the crib while I was gone, since he knew I'd never be able to bear transitioning if
I were there. We babywear occasionally, but sometimes he rides in the stroller or cart instead. We just go with the flow. You can't be too set in one way or the other (:

(I'll add pictures in a bit! Comment to remind me to update :)

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