Monday, April 6, 2015

Old Wives Tales Part 2

I've previously made a list of old wives tales, which you can read here,

24. Baby Med gender predictor. Not an old wives tale, I know, but fun none the less!

  • Here's my results: "After evaluating all of your answers, BabyMed concludes that there is a 86.7% chance it's going to be a GIRL and a 13.3% chance it's a boy."

25. Hairy legs are an indicator of more testosterone, where as if your legs haven't changed, it's an indicator of a girl.

  • This one says Girl for me! My legs really haven't changed much, phew!

Your husband's siblings may come into play when predicting the gender! There are two different versions I've heard, so... 

26a. Your husband's oldest sibling can predict what you're having. If he has an older brother, it points to boy. Older sister, it points to girl. If he's the oldest, it once again points to boy. 

26b. If your husband has more sisters, it can be an indicator of a girl. If your husband has more brothers, or is an only child, it could indicate a boy. The thought behind this is that the gender comes from your husband, so if in his family there are more girls, he's more likely to pass along that X - chromosome, and vise-versa.

  • Both of these point to Girl. Hubby has two awesome older sisters who are both super excited to be aunts. 

27. How is your bump shaped? If you're carrying all the extra weight in the front, it's said to be a boy. If the weight is more evenly spaced around your hips and/or bottom, it's supposed to be a girl. 

  • Ahh, this one definitely points to Boy. Thank goodness, I need all the help I can get to look actually pregnant and not just extra chubby!

28. If you are craving Fruit, it's likely a girl. (This one goes along with sweet cravings that I posted under my last one, but since ice cream and fruit are completely different cravings, I'll count it again!)

  • Girl!! I spent my first trimester craving clementines, and I've been craving pineapple and strawberries like crazy lately!

29. How big has your nose gotten? If it feels like your nose has grown, it's supposedly a boy! (Hahaha, what?!)

  • My nose has definitely not grown any... So I guess this points to Girl!

30. If you get a linea nigra and it runs from your pubic area to your belly button only, it's a girl, and if it goes all the way from your pubic area to the bottom-most part of your rib cage, then it's a boy.

  • I've only recently gotten my linea nigra, and it stops at my belly button, so this one is claiming Girl.

31. Has your hair become thinner and dull? Or full-bodied and glossy? Thin and dull says girl, but if your hair is gorgeous and glossy, it's a boy!

  • I feel like this one is also similar to the skin myth, in that having a girl "steals your beauty"! Lucky for me, my baby Boy is letting me keep mine!

32. Another number one; If you add your age with the number of the month you conceived, and the results are even, it's a girl. If the results are odd, it must be a boy. 

  • 19 + 11 = 30, so this one is telling me it's a Girl!

33. When you sleep, is your pillow north or south? If your pillow is north, expect a boy, if your pillow is south, prepare for a girl. 

  • Had to pull out my compass for this one! My pillow is southwest, so this one is telling me to pull out the pink for a baby Girl.

34. If you have heartburn, it's a girl, because she's going to have lots of hair. 

  • The only time I've had any heartburn, it was after I'd eaten almost an entire jar of super spicy pickles.. I'm going to say that time doesn't count, so it must be a Boy.

35. Try looking at yourself in the mirror for at least a minute. If your pupils dilate, it's a boy; if not, it's a girl. 

  • I cheated and looked at myself in my front facing camera, but I figure it counts! My pupils did not dilate, so this one is telling me it's a Girl!

36. Try this one at your own - and your partner's - risk! If you're able to eat a lot of garlic and not smell like it, this means you are carrying a girl. If you end up reeking of garlic, it's a boy.

  • As mentioned in #34, I ate a ton of spicy pickles, that also happened to be very garlicky, and I sure didn't smell anything. I'm going to (happily! who wants to reek of garlic?) chalk this up to Girl.

37. The ever popular skull theory! To be honest, I still don't entirely get this one, I guess if baby has a slant/slope in the forehead, it's a girl. If the forehead is more rounded, it's a boy. 

  • I included a diagram that's supposed to show skull differences, and an u/s picture from around 17 weeks. To me this looks very much like Boy! what do you think?

38. It's said that if you're craving orange juice, it's a girl, if not, expect a boy.

  • Blech, as much as I've loved oranges and clementines this pregnancy, I can not stand the thought of OJ! This one points to Boy for sure!

39. If baby is kicking on the right side of your stomach, it's a boy. If baby kicks on the left, prepare for pink!

  • My baby is definitely kicking to the left, so this one is claiming Girl for me! (Although this old wives tale is based on the idea that with a boy, your placenta is to the left, so baby kicks to the right, and if it's a girl, your placenta is to the right, so baby kicks to the left. My placenta is anterior, so the placenta idea is inconclusive for me!)

40. Check your wee! Prepare for a boy if your urine is bright, if it's dull, than expect a girl. 

  • I'm calling this one Girl, although I feel like it depends more on if you're getting enough water than what sex the baby is!

41. Clumsy? Pull out the blue! But if you're more graceful during this pregnancy, bring on the pink bows!

  • I'm normally very clumsy, but this pregnancy have managed to avoid falling down (other than black outs, I don't count those), so I guess I'll consider that graceful. Girl!


Boy: 5 - 26%

Girl: 14 - 74%

Grand Totals between Parts 1 & 2?

Boy: 12 - 29%

Girl: 29 - 69%

Inconclusive: 1 - 2%

So there you have it! Old wives tales are about 69% incorrect for me. 

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