Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 22: 04/02/2015 - 04/08/2015

So sorry! I went to write my 23 weeks update and realised I wrote this, but never published it!
22 Weeks!

Tried to take a picture of the bump and the dog got jealous...

Milestones this week:

  • 04/02/15: My mom's Birthday!
  • 04/04/15: DH was able to feel a little lump where Rook was pressing his foot into my stomach!

This week I...

Had the opportunity to feel the lump where Rook's little foot was resting from the outside! It was such a cool moment, I was rubbing cocoa butter on my stomach (I've heard this helps with stretch marks... we'll see!) and I noticed there was a weird little lump, I called Brian over to feel, and when he did Rook started moving his foot! It was a really cool experience, and the look on Brian's face was such a look of awe and shock, and excitement. We're both so eager to get to love on and kiss on that baby boy (:

Stats this week:

  • Weight: week: +1.5; Pregnancy: -6.5
  • Symptoms: Back pain, light cramping
  • Cravings: French Fries, Cheetos, Ice cream, 
  • Baby Bean's Size: Papaya 
  • Baby's length: 10.94 in
  • Baby's weight: 12.70 oz
  • Baby's Heart rate: 137 BPM

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