Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Funny Mistakes First Time Parents Have Made

I came across this article and thought I would share the stories with you guys (: I'll post a link to the article at the bottom!

"When Gaby was a newborn, my mom stayed with me the first two weeks, on the day she left, I gave Gaby a bath and cut her nails. But I didn’t know that you had to separate the nail from the skin. I made my first cut and she started bleeding. I panicked and called 911. The paramedics came to my rescue and assured me my baby was fine."

I'm pretty sure I'll call the paramedics over a few nothing moments too! I tend to panic over little things, I know my poor husband will have to talk me out of calling 911 on more than occasion.

"When my son was 6-weeks-old and sound asleep in the Ergo carrier, I was in a bodega reaching for a coconut water and when I opened the refrigerator door, a 16 oz. can of beer fell from a high shelf and whacked him on the back of his tiny head. He woke up screaming. He was fine, of course, but I thought I killed him."

I once was babysitting my little brother when he was about a year old and I left the baby gate open on accident, and while crawling and curious, he fell down the entire flight of stairs and was quiet for a second before he started crying. That quiet second felt like an hour, I was sure I had killed the poor kiddo, and the relief when I heard him cry was overwhelming!

"I didn’t realize I was supposed to change my son’s diaper while we were in the hospital," says Jennifer Spitz. "The nurse came in to check on us and said, ‘Wow, he’s got a very full diaper. Do you know how to change him?’ Yes, I did…but I thought the nurses took care of that kind of stuff. Thank goodness I had amazing nurses. We all laughed!"

I can't promise I would have realised I was supposed to change his diaper in the hospital either, glad I read this one! ;D

"My husband was so tired one night that he reached into the laundry basket for a blanket and ended up swaddling the baby in a pair of his [clean] boxers,"

Hey, if it's cloth and clean it works, right?

"I didn’t know when to take those baby hand mitts off my daughter Maddy’s hands — and I was scared she would scratch her face. So Maddy wore those cotton mitts for five months. She was able to sit up, but was still wearing newborn mitts. I remember removing them and she was in shock that she had hands!" 

I've so many babies in passing with scratched up faces, one time a saw a young baby who look like he fell into a thorn bush. I'll probably use mittens more than the average momma, but not so much my Rook doesn't realise he has hands!

"Our daughter’s first night at home was as to be expected: She cried and wouldn’t sleep," says Rob M. "I wanted to give her a binky, but my wife was scared to let her have it in the bassinet. So, she called her OB-GYN at 3:00 am. The doctor was, like, ‘Are you serious? Give her the binky."

I can DEFINITELY see myself doing this! I'm pretty sure my OB, mom, and husband won't get any sleep the first few nights we have Rook home, either.

"I didn’t know how to fold up my designer stroller, so I cried in the parking lot of Babies R’ Us and called my dad to help me. He couldn't do it either. A staffer had to give us a tutorial in the parking lot. Once it was in the car, I was scared to use it."

I've already had a moment like this, I was trying to set up a pack n play for the first time, just to see what it looked like set up, and I could not for the life of me get it set up! I finally got it, after about 45 minutes, a hurting back, and pinched fingers! I'm a little scared to set it up in the future, I can just see myself at thanksgiving or a family get together, with everyone watching me struggle to get it set up, offering pitying looks and advice.

Here's the link to the article I got these off of, and if you really enjoy reading them, here is a link to a forum with a bunch of people's first time parenting stories! (:

Bonus story: "I woke up in the middle of the night to hear the baby crying in the other room. I knew she needed to nurse, but I was so exhausted and so sleep deprived, I just sat there petting the dog, thinking I needed to nurse but couldn't remember how I was supposed to nurse a dog. I knew I didn't want to, and I knew I wasn't sure how, but I just remember thinking that I needed to nurse the dog."

After reading my original post, someone told me this story about trying to nurse the dog. Per her request, I kept names out ;D

Happy and Healthy 9 months!

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