Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Recap of weeks 8-11

I don't have any pictures for weeks 8-11, so here are some pictures of baby stuff we've bought so far (:

Week 11: 01/16/15 - 01/22/15

Milestones this week:

  • I really felt my baby moving this week! First week I've been confident it was baby I was feeling (I had weird feelings before that I wondered about, but wasn't positive it was my Bean until this week)
  • OB appointment this week

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: +0.5; Pregnancy - 4.5
  • Symptoms: Morning sickness, cramps, fatigue
  • Cravings: Hot Wings, Potato Chips
  • Baby Bean's size: Brussels sprout
  • Baby's length: 1.61 in.
  • Baby's weight: 0.25 oz

Tip of the week:

Especially for a first time mom, the horror stories you can dig up on forums and baby apps can be TERRIFYING. I'm trying to keep my blog positive and not talk about worst case scenarios for that reason, not only for my readers, but for me! The absolute worst are the miscarriage posts. It seems like they're all over in baby apps and groups, and this was a huge struggle for me at first! My thought process was along the lines "miscarriages are so much more common than I thought! Half these posts are miscarriages, it must be likely that it'll happen to me too!". I just want to remind you all that, when a momma is in mourning, she will seek comfort from others (as she should! And we, as fellow mommas, should be supportive and positive for her) but in the process of seeking comfort, she will be way more likely to post a comment or post talking about her loss than a woman with a healthy pregnancy. We see 5 posts in a week talking about loss, but what we don't see are the 2,000+ posts from women with a perfectly healthy and happy pregnancy that week. What are you more likely to post, "Please help me mourn my loss" or "Everything is going A-OK"?

Week 10: 01/09/15 - 01/15/15

Gorgeous Afghan my super talented sister crocheted for baby!

Milestones this week:

  • Not really any milestones this week!

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: +0.5; Pregnancy - 5.0
  • Symptoms: Morning sickness, bloat, cramps
  • Cravings: Ice cream, Hot Wings
  • Baby Bean's size: Kumquat
  • Baby's length: 1.22 in.
  • Baby's weight: 0.14 oz
  • Baby's heart rate: 188 BPM

Tip of the week:

Ahh, jealousy. It's so easy to be jealous of other mommas who get to meet their babys sooner! I know several women whose due dates are before mine, and when you see those posts marking milestones a month, or several months away from where you are? It is so easy to be jealous! Just remember, ever momma pays her dues. Yes, your old next door neighbors daughter is due 6 weeks before you, but just because it seems like her due date is so much closer, she probably went/is going through the same thing you are with due date jealousy, over someone else! It's all a matter of having patience and taking cares of you and your baby. Your baby has the perfect timing for them. Your baby wouldn't even be the same little person if they had a different due date. And your time will come. Just don't get wrapped up in "competing" with those who have near-by due dates to yours!

Week 9: 01/02/15 - 01/08/15

Baseball hat and diaper cover (from my mom), Bibs (picked out by hubby), Sunglasses/Rookie socks

Milestones this week:

  • First ultrasound in the ER (no prints):
  • Heard heartbeat (188 BPM!)
  • Bought first maternity clothes (Old Navy's maternity section was way better than I expected. For about $50 I was able to get several tops, two belly bands, and a really cute dress!)

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: -2.0; Pregnancy - 5.5
  • Symptoms: Morning sickness, bloat, fatigue
  • Cravings: Ice cream, Clementines, Hot Wings
  • Baby Bean's size: Cherry
  • Baby's length: 0.9 in.
  • Baby's weight: 0.07 oz

Tip of the week:

When you're in your first pregnancy, it can be scary! Honestly, there are a lot of changes I was NOT prepared for. I knew slight cramping was common, I didn't realize how severe the cramps would be! I ended up in the ER during week 9 with severe cramps, and where as when we were making the decision to go the thought process was "We're being cautious, just double checking, cramps this bad CAN'T be normal, right?", when we were sitting in the ER being told it was common, we just felt silly. As an expectant mom, your every little instinct is to protect and check on the little life inside of you. That being said, be careful not to jump to the worst case scenario too quickly. I had myself convinced, and convinced my hubby, that something was wrong, when everything was totally normal. I'm not saying to ignore the big scary symptoms that don't feel right; if you think something is seriously wrong, at least call your OB and maybe see if you can get in to see him/her soon, however, take into consideration with your first pregnancy that everything is different, and honestly, every symptom can be scary when it first appears!

Week 8: 12/26/14-01/01/15

MU/KU car seat cover (from Brian's mom), blue afghan (from my mom), receiving blanket & baby book (from my grandma)

Milestones this week:

  • New years! No other milestones :(

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: -1.5; Pregnancy -3.5
  • Symptoms: Morning Sickness, moodiness, and as you can tell by the picture, major bloat!
  • Cravings: Ice Cream, Clementines
  • Baby Bean's Size: A cranberry bean
  • Baby's Length: 0.63 in.
  • Baby's Weight: Less than 0.04 oz

Tip of the week:

Ugh, my fatigue hit this week! The fatigue is terrible, it hit me hard. There were literally days I took 6-7 hour naps! This is one of those symptoms you kind of just have to ride out. My best tip? Be careful not to over do it. Take it easy, if you feel like you need to sleep, and if at all possible, take a nap. Exhausting your body is not good for you or your growing baby. My husband was AWESOME when this hit; he'd do most of the chores, he'd make sure I got to rest, he'd help cook dinner.. Don't force a double load on your probably already stressed husband, and make sure he knows how much you appreciate him, but don't be afraid to ask for a little help! Even ask your parents, or family, if it's just too much. They're probably so excited for their growing grand baby/family member they'd be glad to help. Make sure you give out big thank-yous to those who do help!

Bonus tip:

If you want a good baby app for communicating with other expecting moms, I definitely recommend the BabyBump app! the women on there are so helpful and it's a great place to look for advice or just to talk about your baby. If you want a good app to track stats and see weekly baby updates, search for Ovia Pregnancy!

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