Thursday, March 12, 2015

Recap of weeks 12 - 15

Week 15: 02/12/15 - 02/18/15

Milestones this week:

  • 02/14 Valentines Day
  • 02/14 Sister-In-Law's engagement
  • 02/18 Officially decided on our boy name

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: -1.0; Pregnancy - 4.0
  • Symptoms: fatigue, dizziness, black outs, heartburn
  • Cravings: Ice Cream, carrots
  • Baby Bean's size: Apple
  • Baby's length: 3.98 in
  • Baby's weight: 2.47 oz

Tip of the week:

You've probably been considering names for awhile at this point, names can be tricky! You want to find a cute name, that won't be considered weird, that they'll be able to use as a grown up, and they won't be made fun of for, and everybody likes. I've decided this, especially the "everybody likes it" part is nearly impossible. But if you find a name that your S.O. love, that's what really matters! Of course you want to be careful not to name your child something that, where as it may be cute when they're little, wouldn't be so cute when they're older. I won't list examples, because I saw an article on this topic and their example name was just similar enough to the name we have picked out it made me worry, until my mom pointed out that as an adult, the name we have would be a very strong, sturdy name. I don't want to list what you shouldn't  name your baby, I just want to point out that you might want to consider what it will be like for them when they're older!
I've known what I'm going to name our first (and second!) girl practically since we got engaged, so the girl names were easy! Our boy name? way more difficult. The girl names we had picked out were Aletha Faith for first, Aletha is my great-grandma's first name that I've always loved, and Faith is my husband's grandma's first name. For the second we had Willow Louise picked out, after my late grandma Willoscene Louise. For a boy we tossed around a lot of names, initially I wanted to name him Ethan David, until someone pointed out how close "Ethan and Allie" was to "Ethan Allen" (the store) if we had 1 boy and 1 girl. Silly reason to decide to change our boy name? Yes, but enough of a reason for me. We were pretty set on David being in the name after my husband's middle name and my father-in-law's first name, but I didn't really want it as a first name because it's so common. We discussed Liam, Bryce, Moses, Noam, and Zane, but none of them were it. After what felt like forever talking about it, we were walking through Target looking at all the onesies that said stuff like Daddy's Rookie and Rookie of the Year, and my husband mentioned offhand, "wouldn't it be cute if we named a boy Rook, and called him 'Rookie' while he was little?" And that was kind of our Ah-ha! moment. That was our name. Obviously we didn't decide right that moment that we for sure wanted Rook, but we thought and talked about it a LOT after that. After talking to several family members, friends, etc, we were sure that was the name. Yes, it is unusual, and yes, we received a few negative comments, but the positive comments far outweighed the negative!

Week 14: 02/06/15 - 02/12/15

Milestones this week:

  • Began wearing (some) maternity clothes

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: -1.0; Pregnancy - 3.0
  • Symptoms: fatigue, dizziness, black outs
  • Cravings: None really
  • Baby Bean's size: Nectarine
  • Baby's length: 3.42 in
  • Baby's weight: 1.52 oz

Tip of the week:

How to keep the stress down. This one is so so tricky for me, I tend to stress over everything. My biggest problem was, relaxing, or taking a bath, or watching tv, didn't help. All I could do was sit there and think about what could go wrong with my baby, not to mention all the everyday things I stress over. I finally had to start focusing on a healthier way to relax. If you're able, I'd recommend walking or light exercise, but focus on your breathing, or what you're doing. Don't let your mind wander to all the scary places! This wasn't really an option for me, thanks to a history of seizures, I'm not able to go out on my own. Reading is also a good way to relax, or picking up a hobby! One day I spent 4 hours making a huge paper chain counting down the 200+ days until my due date to help me relax! I tried painting, which was fun, but supplies can be expensive. Another good way to relax and just to enjoy your pregnancy? Start your own blog! If you do, let me know and I'd love to read it. (:

Week 13: 01/30/15 - 12/05/15

Milestones this week:

  • 01/30 Start of my second trimester
  • 02/04 Sister-in-law's 22nd birthday
  • 02/04 Twin siblings 3rd birthday

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: +1.5; Pregnancy - 2.0
  • Symptoms: Morning sickness, fatigue, dizziness, 
  • Cravings: Veggies. Any.
  • Baby Bean's size: Lemon
  • Baby's length: 2.91 in
  • Baby's weight: 0.81 oz

Tip of the week:

All of our bodies will react differently to pregnancy. Don't worry if you are experiencing symptoms differently than everyone else! Some women feel their baby move at 10 weeks; others don't feel theirs until 25+ weeks. Some women gain 70+ lbs throughout her pregnancy, and I've heard of women losing 50+ lbs during her pregnancy. Some women have horrible symptoms and almost every one imaginable, where as others might not have any, or will only have a few. If you're really worried about it, you can always talk to your OB, but I wouldn't let it stress you out! The best thing for you and your baby is calm and happy thoughts. If you are one of the women who doesn't experience many symptoms, consider yourself lucky! The morning sickness for me was manageable, but the blacking out and dizziness? I definitely could have done without!

Week 12: 01/23/15 - 01/29/15

Milestones this week:

  • I finally started to show, and more than just bloat! 

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: +1.0; Pregnancy - 3.5
  • Symptoms: Morning sickness, cramps, fatigue, dizziness
  • Cravings: Chipotle burritos, with lots of sour cream!
  • Baby Bean's size: Passion Fruit
  • Baby's length: 2.13 in
  • Baby's weight: 0.49 oz
  • Baby's heart rate: 172 BPM

Tip of the week:

Let's talk medicine. Is it safe to take medicine while you're pregnant? Some, but obviously not all. Ask your OB for a list of safe medicine on your first visit if (s)he doesn't give you one anyway. You could always look it up online, but that gets tricky because so many opinions are out there, it's hard to weed out the cold, hard facts. I will tell you this; if it is illegal, even if you think or you've read that it helps or is "safe" during pregnancy, avoid it. Many of you have probably clued into what I'm talking about. I know a lot of women think that marijuana is more beneficial than harmful, and some of you might not like what I have to say, but it sickens me when I hear women claim that. There is a toddler girl in my life that I am very close with, who has a whole myriad of medical issues, to the point she has nursing and cannot leave the house, a cold has sent her into the hospital before. She was born prematurely with marijuana in her system, and you could argue that all of her medical issues are due to being born prematurely, but even if that's the case, her birth mom went into labor so early because of self-medicating. There is no worse feeling than seeing her sweet little face crumple when she can't go "bye-bye" with her adopted momma. She loves to sing and laugh, but thanks to medical issues, can only easily do so 30 minutes twice a day when we have her connected to the proper equipment. Sorry if I'm on my soapbox, I just feel very passionately about spreading the word; Marijuana is NOT harmless and victim-less! Your worst victim could very well be your sweet baby!

Happy and healthy 9 months ladies!

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