Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Recap of weeks 4-7

So since I didn't think to start this blog until today, I wanted to kind of recap my pregnancy so far, 4 weeks at a time. Luckily, I've been so excited, I've kept pretty good track of everything!

Week 4: 11/28/14 - 12/04/14

Milestones this week:

  • Found out I was pregnant on 12/03, in a gas station parking lot during lunch break. Feelings? I was Scared. Shocked. Ecstatic. 
  • Told our parents on 12/04. We were too excited to come up with something cute, or to wait, although we talked about waiting until Christmas! Feelings? His parents were very surprised, and I couldn't quite read their reactions. My parents were thrilled!

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: (+/-) 0; Pregnancy: (+/-) 0. I'm pretty self conscious of my weight, so instead of the actual number, I'm just going to post how much loss/gain for the week, and how much loss/gain for the pregnancy
  • Symptoms: None! (other than my missed period)
  • Cravings: Ice Cream, Potato chips
  • Baby Bean's size: Poppy seed
  • Baby's Length: 0.014 - 0.04 inches
  • Baby's Weight: Less than 0.04 oz

Tip of the week: 

Just because you've convinced yourself you're not pregnant doesn't mean you aren't! I took 5 pregnancy tests and went to the doctor to confirm because I just did not believe it! It literally wasn't until I saw my Bean at 9 weeks until I truly believed I was pregnant.

Week 5: 12/05/14 - 12/11/14

Milestones this week:

  • 12/05, went to Buy Buy Baby and bought first onesie.
  • 12/08, announced to friends and posted on Facebook. (Yes this was early to announce, and yes we got a lot of negative feedback for announcing so soon!)
  • 12/10, got to experience one of the great joys of pregnancy for the first time: morning sickness :(

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: (+/-) 0; Pregnancy: (+/-) 0
  • Symptoms: None!
  • Cravings: Ice Cream
  • Baby Bean's size: Peppercorn
  • Baby's Length: 0.05 inches
  • Baby's Weight: Less than 0.04 oz

Tip of the week:

Take a couple of things into consideration when deciding when to announce! If you're sensitive about what others say/think of you, you might want to wait longer. If you're just so excited you want to announce immediately, go for it, girl! We announced almost immediately and received several rude comments about our timing (ex; "You know you're supposed to wait until 12 weeks", "Jeez, needed the attention huh?",  "Now you've doomed yourself to a miscarriage by announcing so early") which absolutely shocked me! I mean, out of all the things to criticize, you're going to criticize our timing on announcing? but a few positive comments about it too (ex; "I love that you guys are so excited! I wish I had announced sooner!") but when it all comes down to it, who cares? It's your baby. It's your pregnancy. If you want to tell the world immediately, do it. Yes, you might receive a few rude comments, but in the long run, I'm glad I told early. On the other hand, if you're high risk or worried about what others will think, or you just want to enjoy it just you, your hubby, and maybe a few close relatives/friends? Wait a few weeks! Two of my friends didn't announce their pregnancies until 20 weeks and 22 weeks, and more power to them! I could NOT wait that long. 

Week 6: 12/12/14 - 12/18/14

Milestones this week:

  • 12/12 I officially started my OTC prenatals, along with Folic Acid
  • 12/18 My first doctors appointment! (Thanks to a history of seizures, my OB and primary decided it was a good idea to get me in sooner!)

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: - 1.0; Pregnancy - 1.0
  • Symptoms: Morning Sickness, slight moodiness
  • Cravings: Ice Cream, Pizza
  • Baby Bean's Size: A Pomegranate seed
  • Baby's Length: 1/8 in.
  • Baby's Weight: Less than 0.04 oz

Tip of the week:

Do NOT get too wrapped up in reading the internet horror stories! I got caught up in lots of "oh my goodness! I did ____ and now the internet is telling me I hurt my baby!" moments. Seriously. Yes some things cause risks, yes there are things you need to avoid, no this list does not include almost everything imaginable. If you're seriously wondering if something is safe or not, my advice is to avoid it until you can ask your OB, or even your mom or a close friend who's been there. Just because one website claims you're baby will be born missing half his/her heart if you drink even one soda during your pregnancy doesn't mean it's true! Use some common sense, but don't be so scared you refuse to touch anything other than water!

Week 7: 12/19/14 - 12/25/14

Milestones this week:

  • Christmas! Received first gifts for my Bean

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: -1.0; Pregnancy -2.0
  • Symptoms: Morning Sickness, slight moodiness, headaches
  • Cravings: Ice Cream
  • Baby Bean's Size: A small Blueberry
  • Baby's Length: 0.5 in.
  • Baby's Weight: Less than 0.04 oz

Tip of the week:

Bloat does not equal baby, but it is caused by baby, so in my mind, if you want to call it your bump, whether or not it actually is a bump, go for it! If nothing else, it makes dealing with bloat more fun if you consider it your bump. But, before you go announcing to the world or posting on social media about how big your bump is, you might want to consider that a lot of people won't consider it bump, so if you do advertise it then be prepared for negative comments!

Bonus tip of the week:

Christmas is so much fun if you're pregnant over it! Don't be disappointed though if family and loved ones tend to forget a gift for your unborn sweetie, just because (s)he's probably your whole world at the moment doesn't mean your family necessarily feels the same. Be surprised and grateful by their acknowledgement of your growing addition; don't be hurt or upset if they don't mention it! Pregnancy hormones can make for lots of hurt feelings, so be careful about what you expect so you're not let down or hurt by something others would consider innocent!

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