Sunday, March 15, 2015

Recap of weeks 16-18

Week 18: 3/05/15 - 03/11/15

Milestones this week:

  • 03/10 Very first surprise, unsolicited tummy rub

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: -4.5; Pregnancy - 12.6
  • Symptoms: fatigue, dizziness, heartburn
  • Cravings: Mexican food
  • Baby Bean's size: Sweet Potato
  • Baby's length: 5.59 in
  • Baby's weight: 6.70 oz

Tip of the week:

 Ah, the unexpected belly rubs. This past week I received my first, and although I'd heard that you WILL receive those hands on your stomach from even complete strangers, I didn't quite believe it! My first "surprise rub" wasn't from a complete stranger, but it was from someone I've only met a handful of times and am not exactly close with. I did not exactly do a great job of handling this. I was completely taken aback, and where as I did a good job of not being rude, I think she could tell I was uncomfortable with it. I've decided that for me, personally, I need to just learn to hide my surprise, smile, and pretend like I'm fine with it, because I would gladly let a stranger touch my stomach if it meant avoiding confrontation. If you're the type who has a bubble and is NOT okay with it, my advice would be to avoid the mousetraps taped to your stomach, and just place your hands over your stomach if you're "in danger". If there is someone in particular who seems to always want to feel your stomach, I'd recommend nicely saying something. This is a tricky spot to be in, you don't want to hurt someone's feelings when they're just trying to share in the joy of the little life inside of you, but just because you're sharing your body with you baby, doesn't mean it becomes public property!

Week 17: 02/26/15 - 03/04/15

Milestones this week:

  • 02/28 We officially found out it's a BOY! Baby boy Rook!

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: +0.5; Pregnancy - 8.1
  • Symptoms: fatigue, dizziness, heartburn, back pain
  • Cravings: Burgers
  • Rook's size: Pear
  • Rook's length: 5.12 in
  • Rook's weight: 4.94 oz

Tip of the week:

Who would you bring to the gender scan? The amount of people you can bring to an anatomy or gender scan it it's through your OB is usually limited, the imaging center my OB uses has rooms so small there's only room for maybe my husband and one other, it at least one of them is standing. If you're choosing to pay for a private ultrasound to find out sooner, you can have your own little gender reveal party right there in the imaging center! I do have to say this; if you are going to pay for a private ultrasound, which we did, and I'm glad we did, then you should research the company. Mall kiosks? Bad idea! however, there are imaging centers that will let you pay for a private ultrasound, but also work with doctors. Just make sure wherever you go has proper training and licensing. For my 20th birthday, my grandma paid for me to have a gender reveal ultrasound at 17 weeks! I researched and found a place in Kansas City, Prenatal Imaging Center, LLC for those interested, and for $100 I could invite as many people as I wanted for a 2D gender scan. Since there was plenty of room, I went a little crazy and invited several people. In total, it ended up being me, my husband, my mom, my 16 yo sister, my 14 yo sister, my 3 yo brother, my grandma, and my MIL. My older sister, and my husbands older sister were invited, but the day we went the weather was bad so neither could make it. I was worried I'd regret inviting so many, I don't like how my tummy looks, and it's always awkward when they have to yank your pants way down and undo the button/zipper, but in the end, I was thrilled with who was there! My toddler brother, who I was especially worried about being there, did great! He was so excited to see "Abadoo's" baby. In the end, my advice is this; for a lot of women, this is a special moment they want to share with just their SO, but for others, like me, it can be a really fun time to have a little party. If you're in the second group, push your insecurities aside and invite as many people as you can! I ended up wishing I'd invited my dad and FIL, and some good friends as well!

Week 16: 02/19/2015 - 02/25/2015

Milestones this week:

  • 02/25 Got the chance to see my Bean on ER ultrasound
  • Admitted to the hospital for pneumonia :( 

Stats this week:

  • Weight: Week: -4.6; Pregnancy - 8.6 (hospital food = blech!)
  • Symptoms: fatigue, dizziness, heartburn
  • Cravings: Mexican food
  • Baby Bean's size: Avocado
  • Baby's length: 4.57 in
  • Baby's weight: 3.53 oz
  • Baby's heart rate: 150 BPM

Tip of the week:

Let's talk about the importance of a healthy diet! I really learned how important eating right (and eating enough) is this past week. I had been passing out for the past couple of weeks, and doctors weren't sure why. I'd always say I had when any doctors asked if I'd been eating, because I honestly had been eating some. None of them bothered to ask how much I'd been eating, until frusterated that we couldn't figure out what was going on, my OB asked. I am TERRIBLE at eating consistent meals, it's rare I ate breakfast before getting pregnant, and while pregnant my appetite has gone down to 0, so I've skipped lunch and/or dinner here and there too. I didn't think much of it, because I wasn't ever hungry and I'd make sure to eat something every day, even if it was only a few crackers or an apple or something. Turns out I wasn't eating enough, and technically, since I was averaging less than 600 calories a day, I was starving myself and didn't even know it. My OB made me start tracking what I ate and focus on eating at least three meals a day, and lo and behold, I stopped passing out! I guess long story short; even though you might not feel hungry, make sure you eat!

Happy and Healthy 9 months!

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